Adding moisture to the waste in a suitably designed and operated landfill should increase its degradation, leading to less risk and a move towards sustainability. ... Proper aeration, moisture addition and gas extraction are needed to control the environment required for aerobic processes to thrive with optimum efficiency.
Community structure is influenced by many factors, including abiotic factors, species interactions, level of disturbance, and keystone species, play particularly important roles in determining their communities’ structure.
<em>The principle of common descent states that all organisms in the world exist because of a common ancestor which gave rise to all the life seen on Earth. The organisms which are more closer to one another might have a common ancestor in the near past as compared to other organisms. The organisms which share distant common ancestors have less common characteristics. This principle has led us to form the basis for the formation of evolutionary biology. </em>
D) no change in cardiac output, increased heart rate, decreased stroke volume occurs after blood donation
When a person donates blood, there is a slight loss of blood volume or hypovolemia. This triggers the baroreceptors of the blood; although does not trigger the osmoreceptor.
The baroreceptor responses are according to the arterial pressure which rises momentarily and results in increased sympathetic activity with decreased vagal activity.
These changes will lead to vasoconstriction, reduced stroke volume, increased heart rate or tachycardia which helps to maintain the cardiac output.
The soreness at the venepuncture site on the skin is due to bruising which is common after any needleprick. applying cold pack, elevating and resting the arm.
In order to compensate for the fluid volume loss and avoid dehydration, one must take plenty of fluids before and after blood donation.