1. rapid cooling of basaltic lava
2. divergent plate boundaries on them mid ocean ridge system
The energy of the ecosystem can be best described as option C. The amount of energy entering an ecosystem from the Sun is equal to the amount used by organisms plus the amount lost as heat.
I'm sorry. I wanted to try and answer the question but I can't because it isn't clear.
23a: The priest and the levite
23b: (from wikipedia) "<em>In Jewish culture, </em><em>contact with a dead body </em><em>was understood to be </em><em>defiling.</em><em> Priests were particularly enjoined to </em><em>avoid uncleanness.</em><em> The priest and Levite may therefore have </em><em>assumed</em><em> that the fallen </em><em>traveler was dead </em><em>and avoided him to </em><em>keep themselves ritually clean."</em>
23c: He took care of himand helped the wounded traveler to recover.