For the first question, it's Papua New Guineia since it has the highest fertility rate. Look at it as which country is giving birth to most children per woman.
I'm not sure what the second question is because I'm not sure how to determine the human development index but It's also Papua New Guieniea I think. They have the 2nd lowest GDP, lowest female literacy, lowest life expectency while giving birth to most childreans per woman.
Qualified Health Claim
A Qualified Health Claim is a claim that is permitted by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which is supported by scientific evidence as regards a food substance and its relationship to a disease.
A qualified health claim is usually based on few evidences compared to authorized health claim. For example, when a new or emerging evidence of a food in relation to its ability to reduce the risk of a particular disease is found, but not concrete enough for the FDA to approve an Authorized Heath claim, the FDA then issues a Qualified Health Claim.
Therefore, in the case of selenium, the FDA approved a Qualified Health Claim.
the answer is A: To appoint people to government officials
Option B: compounds
Elements can be chemically combined into compounds, therefore, a compound consists of two or more elements combined, in fixed rstios, by chemical means.
A very few banking executives or white-collar criminals have been held criminally liable for their actions because such criminals often possess the power to influence the decisions of the courts and at times also use their power to destroy the evidence that would work against them.
- Though the crimes committed by white collar criminals are way too serious than the crimes committed by common people, the white-collar criminals manage to escape the clutches of the laws by putting to use the best of their resources to try to influence the judges and other systems involved.
- These criminals have contacts with the people in power, which helps them negotiate with such people and find ways to get the accusations against them cleared.