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To change the background color, select the form in Visual Studio and locate the BackColor property in the Properties panel. There are a number of ways to specify a color. Color by name - Simply type in a color name into the BackColor value field (for example Red, Yellow, Cyan etc).
<h2> <u>NETWORK</u> <u>TOPOLOGY</u> .</h2>
This tefers to how nodes are connected to the network.
Types of topology.
- Physical topology.
- Logical topology.
In physical topology,nodes are connected physically using wires(cables).
Types of physical topology include:
- Bus topology
- Tree topology
- Hybrid topology
- Star topology
- Ring topology.
Hope it helps you,any question so far...comment !!!
new_segment = [ ]
for segment in segments:
new_segment.append({'name': segment, 'average_spend': money})
print( new_segment)
Using list comprehension:
new_segment =[{'name': segment, 'average_spend': money} for segment in segments]
Using map():
def listing(a):
contain = {'name': segment, 'average_spend': money}
return contain
new_segment = [ ]
new_segment.append(map( listing, segment))
The python codes above create a list of dictionaries in all instances using for loop, for loop in list comprehension and the map function which collect two arguments .