1.RGB: Best for projects intended to be used on the web or video
On websites or making project RGB combination of colors is used. This combination of colors is used to store images in electronic components.
2. CMYK: best for professional printing projects using process colors
Printing professional use CMYK combinations of color for better printing results.
3.) indexed:The only colors saved are the colors used in the image
To manage digital images we use Indexed mode of colors.
4.) bitmap: uses black and white
bitmap is the combination of the black and white colors. As the images are large in size so that, to reduce the size of the image we store image in bitmap to reduce the size.
5.) gray scale: uses different shades of grey
The different shades of gray colors are found in the gray scale. These shades are used to produce images.
The primary input device is the Mouse.
Bi integrating marketing communications, we can infer that the different brands working under Excel Enterprises have the same basic design, so the marketing department can sell their features easily, without having to create different campaigns or protocols for each individual product.
This homogeneous design then turns intuitive for the user, a textbook definition of consistent design, and the tone is maintained through the different brands.
Just like when you move from Microsoft's Excel to Microsoft's Word, you know the usage of each program is different, but the layout is the same, allowing you to understand the basics of the UX (user interface) of one, by understanding the other.
La mayoría de las cosas que utilizamos en el hogar proviene de distintas industrias ubicadas a lo largo y ancho del mundo, dado que vivimos en un mundo globalizado e industrializado, en el que las distintas naciones intercambian bienes y servicios a través del comercio internacional.
De esta manera, en los distintos hogares hay cosas de diversos orígenes, como electrodomésticos provenientes de China, Japón o los Estados Unidos, muebles provenientes de México o Suecia, alimentos provenientes de Argentina, etc.