The separation of HTML from CSS makes it easier to maintain sites, share style sheets across pages, and tailor pages to different environments. This is referred to as the separation of structure (or: content) from presentation.
I think this right don't add me right then add
B and C
xPos and yPos determine the center of the circle, and rad determines the radius of the circle drawn.
It cannot be A because it starts drawing a circle with the center of (4, 1). None of the circles ahve a center at (4, 1). It is B because while it does start at (4, 1), the repeat function adds one to the y and radius. While ti repeats 3 times it ends up drawing all 3 circles. C also works because it starts by drawing the biggest circle and then subtracting the values to make the other two. It cannot be D because in the repeat function it subtracts from the y value and radius too early, it doesn't draw the biggest circle.
public class Digits
public static boolean allDigitsOdd(int num)
boolean flag=true;
int rem;
if(rem%2==0) // if a even digit found immediately breaks out of loop
return flag; //returns result
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println(allDigitsOdd(1375)); //returns true as all are odd digits
Above program has 2 static methods inside a class Digits. Logic behind above function is that a number is divided by 10 until it is less than 0. Each time its remainder by 0 is checked if even immediately breaks out of the loop.