<span>A linear bus topology uses a common background cable to connect all network devices.</span>
I don'r know what your trying to use? GIMP is a free photo editing software just upload it to photobucket.
For marketing requirements, various communication mediums like digital communication medium, as well as non digital traditional communication medium can be used. Some like Blogs, Article directories, forums etc. can be used.
However, the AI, ML, DL and the traditional statistical analysis from Data Science can also be used. You need to install on your blog the chat-bots, And through the Chat-bots we can make a data set, that is in fact automatically generated, and contains email, phone numbers, addresses etc, and this data base can be used to run the Amazon Sage-makers. and a lot of meaningful information can be achieved through the prepared data-set through the Sage-maker.
Thus, you can find out quite easily what is good.
Sage maker, Chat bots and Blog technology is quite cost effective as well.
The above details covers all the requirements.
Security/Insider threats.
As much as cloud computing is good for your organization, just know that someone is looking after your data. The cloud provider does everything for you from maintenance to managing security. The bigger picture here is that users are entrusting their data to someone else. Although the work of cloud providers is to ensure that your data is safe, some are not always looking after your best interests.
Any time your data is stored on the cloud, you are at a higher risk of cyber-attack. Vulnerabilities such as DDoS attacks might occur and this single point of failure is in the cloud. As cloud computing continues to become more sophisticated, so do cyberattacks. As much as the security is right, hackers will go to any lengths to penetrate the systems.