Durante la conquista en el mundo indígena se observó una gran división: se ubicaron por un lado quienes se opusieron al invasor y por el otro los que colaboraron por diversas razones con los europeos. Decapitaron al "cuerpo militar" de los indígenas y debido a esto los indígenas que prefirieron colaborar con los forasteros recibieron muy luego el apelativo de "indios amigos".
En resumen no fue de modo amistoso al principio, después viendo que los europeos eran mas fuertes y contaban corarmamento se unieron a ellos y lograron insertarse en la comunidad.
the new cloak
The new cloak represents the change that Odysseus went through in front of everyone. That's because the cloak was used when Odysseus disguised himself as a beggar, it gave him a weak, irrelevant, fragile and dying image, but the new cloak gave him the grandeur he had as a hero, letting him look like a god and he was a man totally different from what he looked like or what they thought of him.
Other glaze colors had toxins making the pottery unsuitable for storing food
A severe winter in 1788
lil more info:
Rising prices in Paris brought bread riots. By 1789 France was broke. The nobility refused to pay more taxes, and the peasants simply couldn't.