One of the most influential environmental factors is providing disadvantaged children with more verbal attention and parenting resources. The program studied in North Carolina was likely the most influential on children because of how the family is. This is what helps the child decide on who they are going to be and how they will act.
Realism which is also sometimes called as naturalism is an artistic movement that is centered on social and humanitarian issues. It focuses on the delivery of an important subject matter in a realistic way in which people can connect with the art in a truthful manner. It avoids any artificial or supernatural artistic conventions in favor of realistic and truthful experience.
Erikson believed that prosperous resolution of intimacy versus isolation makes the individual for the middle adulthood stage in which focuses on generativity. In addition, generativity is caring for the next generation and helping to improve the society in which few adults follow a fixed series of tasks tied neatly to age and some aspects which are child rearing, child bearing, and contributions to society through work and community service.
Stage 1: This is a state of high birth and death rates culminating in low population growth overall. Stage 2: With a consistently high birth rate and decreasing death rate, population growth surges. Stage 3: As the birth rate falls and the death rate remains low, the population continues to increase.Explanation: