From the statements mentioned about Convergent Boudaries we can select the following as true.
- Convergent boundaries are where two plates move toward each other. By definition this statement is true.
- New oceanic plate (oceanic lithosphere) is created at convergent boundaries. True, a new oceanic plate can form from the action of convergent boundaries at midocean, lava and million of years do the remaining job.
- Convergent boundaries that have subduction occurring provide a "pull" force that contributes to plate motion. False, Subducting melt and ascend trough the rock creating a volcanic eruption cone and producing an island chain.
- Oceanic plates can be destroyed at convergent boundaries due to subduction. False, The older plate will subduct due to its density and it is forced deep into the mantle, it will melt once the deepth is reached.
Answer is Venus, made a list of facts for explanation
Ya, teknologi hijau membantu pembangunan masyarakat berilmu yang mendorong ke arah mempraktikkan tenaga lestari dan cara hidup lebih baik. Kita boleh hidup lebih lestari jika kita menjadi seorang yang lebih celik alam sekitar, belajar daripada alam semula jadi, hidup dengan lebih sederhana dan menjadi rakyat yang aktif dalam membangunkan alam sekitar.
The correct answer is C) comprise several edge cities with independent business cores.
The modern urban areas have central city and multiple other edge cities around it, even though the central city is the biggest and most influential, all of the edge cities have separate business cores and all institutions needed for an urban area. They are in very close proximity to the central city and are well connected in every department.
asteriod belt is the circumstellar disc in solar system locwted roughly between the orbit og mars and jupiter.