The principle of checks and balances refers to the system, in the American federal system, wherein each branch of government has responsibilities and obligations as it relates to the other branches of government.
The President, for one, is able to veto legislation from the Legislative Branch but a balance on that check is that the Legislative branch may override the Executive branch's veto.
They were paid poorly and were made to work long a$s hours
Many of the racist white journalists claimed that he won only because he was black and was therefore possessing an animal-like instinct, which was unfair to the white competitor. They were extremely racist but it was accepted because it was the 30s, way before the civil rights era.
The natives knew war, but their tactics were sophomoric and based on their religious beliefs. They would not fight to kill but to capture. After capturing the army they would sacrifice them to their gods. These tactics were ignorant and allowed the Spanish to easily crush them.