Ye ye ye ye ye yee egensbdnsys
where is the question.
So basically rational numbers are numbers with decimals that are not random
ex) 3.66666666, 4.040404040, 3.5645645645646
the decimals are at a fixed order
Irrational is random decimals that makes it look weird
ex)3.141592643, 5. 782759453, 8.825928342
hope that answers your question
Step-by-step explanation:
Set; subset.
Step-by-step explanation:
A group of objects or numbers is called a set while a part of a set is called a subset. The objects or numbers that make up a set are generally referred to as elements or members and are written inside a pair of curly braces {}.
A set can be made up of elements such as numbers, alphabets, people, cars etc.
<em>For instance, Set A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12} represents all the even number between 1 - 12.</em>
On the other hand, a subset is a part of a larger set.
<em>For instance, comedy movies, horror movies, romance movies, action movies are a subset of movies. </em>