number 3
The first amendemnt has the rights and equality for everyone to be whichever religion they want to be
They were known as the Sans Culottes.
<span>The characteristic shared by both lyric poems and cinquains is both kind of poems depict the emotions, deep feeling and concerns of the narrator. These are simple poems to write and go a long way for the readers to make an emotional connection with the author.</span>
By the end of their first year in office, Nixon and Kis-singer had conc-luded that the most effect-ive way to tip the military bal-ance in America's favor was to <em>destroy mili-tary </em><em>bases </em><em>in Cam-bodia</em>.
Kis-singer served as Nation-al Security Advisor and Secre-tary of State under Presi-dent Richard Nixon, and continued as Secre-tary of State under Nixon's succe-ssor Gerald Ford. With the death of Geo-rge Shultz in Feb-ruary 2021, Kis s-inger is the last surv-iving member of the Nixon administ-ration Cabinet.
Nixon and Kis-singer were both comm-itted to a real-ism that focused on American eco-nomic advant-ages and jettisoned moral-ism in foreign policy, seeking détente with Comm-unism and confront-ation with old allies who now had beco-me economic advers-aries.
To know more about Nixon and Kissinger click below: