Answer: The 1964 Civil Rights Act was Congress's most expansive civil rights law ever passed. It included systematic steps to abolish segregation in Jim Crow and counter racial discrimination. The 1965 Voting Rights Act eliminated obstacles to black francs in the South, prohibiting poll taxes, literacy tests, and other initiatives that essentially prohibited African Americans from voting. Segregationists sought to prohibit the state level from enforcing federal civil rights legislation.
It's is a first-person point of view.
Identifying the first-person point of view is quite easy, especially if compared to identifying the many types of third-person ones. A narrative done from a first-person perspective will used first-person pronouns ("I" and "we"), since the narrator also takes part in the story. In third-person narratives, first-person pronouns can be used in lines said by the characters, but not by the narrator. It's worth mentioning that first-person narrators cannot be fully trusted. Their story will be permeated by their own feelings and biases.
As we can see in the passage we are studying here, the perspective is a first-person one. Notice the use of the pronoun "we":
There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning...
To contradict the message conveyed by the main plot
A subplot can focus on another aspect of the protagonist, or it can follow the story of another main character and his or her development. It can drive home theme and it can aid in world-building. Subplots will enrich your novel and make your story a more compelling read.