e. point directly to the kinds of offensive/defensive actions it can use to exploit its competitive strengths and reduce its competitive liabilities.
A competitive strength assessment is defined as a weighted comparism of a business's strengths and weaknesses compared to the competition. The knowledge gained can be used to improve on weak areas.
Competitive advantage is the traits that set a business aside and gives it an edge over others. Competitive strength assessment evaluates the competitive advantages of a company. Therefore it shows the kinds of offensive/defensive actions it can use to exploit its competitive strengths and reduce its competitive liabilities.
Answer: A. To build brand value
By moving internationally, corporations have the ability to increase demand for their products, decrease the economic volatility from their home market, and develop new customers. In most cases foreign markets also allow companies to take advantage or larger margins and of less competition.
The correct answer is A. true.
The cost of capital is a little less unique than the cost of debt. Equity is any financing raised through the sale of shares. Different people have different ways of measuring equity.
Some people prefer to simply use the CAPM or some other form of APT, estimating the cost of capital as an amount equivalent to the risk premium on the returns paid by the company to its investors. In this way, the returns generated in excess of the risk-free rate are considered the cost of equity.
This calculation is easy to use, but also takes into account the fluctuations in the value of the shares in the secondary market, which really has no cost to the company. Some people argue their benefits.
This question puts together two different perspectives based on different goals and metrics: economics and ethics. In economics, self interest is the driving force and productivity is one of the metrics used by managers and shareholders in measuring their profit making. In ethics, doing good for people and creating social value is the goal. The results cannot be measured anymore in units of productivity.
Peter Drucker in his famous book "Management: tasks, responsibilities, practices" says : "To know what a business is we have to start with its purpose. Its purpose must lie outside of the business itself. In fact, it must lie in society since business enterprise is an organ of society. There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer." That means to create value for society and not to maximize the profit.
I shall add a recent message sent by Richard Branson - the creator of Virgin Group - in his book "Screw business as usual" : Doing good can help improve your prospects, your profits and your business; and it can change the world." But with a condition: in that firm to exist an organizational culture based on positive values and not on profit maximization. In conclusion, ethics may impact positively on performance if and only if there is a managerial philosophy based on ethics and not on profit maximization, and on value creation. In this well-defined context profit and profitability are consequences and not driving forces of the whole business.
In the <u>trial</u> stage of the adoption process, the consumer may buy the product to experiment with it in use.
There are basically 5 different stages in the consumer adoption process.
1. Awareness: This first stage is concerned with the consumer being exposed to an innovation or product. Right now he does not have too much information about it, and may not even pay too much attention to it.
2. Interest and Information: It is at this second stage that the consumer wants to voluntarily know more about the said product. He starts collecting information about it from various sources.
3. Evaluation: In this third stage, once the consumer has accumulated all the information he can by means of various sources, he starts comparing the features and qualities of the new product with other already existing products.
4. Trial: After the first three stages, now the consumer is ready to try out the product for the first time. He may go ahead and purchase it, or if free samples are readily available, he may use those too.
5. Adoption: The fifth and last stage of the consumer adoption process is about the consumer purchasing the said product, after all the trials and evaluations.