If the integers were all the same, then each one would be 1/3 of 138 = 46 .
They're not all the same, but they're consecutive, so you can find them easily.
Just start with your 3 copies of 46, take ' 1' away from one copy, and add it
to another one. You haven't changed their sum. You just made one of your
copies 1 less than 46, and you made another one of them 1 more than 46.
Now you have 45, 46, and 47, and that sure looks like an answer to me.
Isn't that easy ... you only had to use some brain instead of a lot of messy
algebra. That's what 'Brainly' might be all about, I guess.
C: (500 divided by 4)+(30 divided by 4)+2
Expanded form or expanded notation is a way of writing numbers to see the math value of individual digits. When numbers are separated into individual place values and decimal places they can also form a mathematical expression. 532 ÷ 4 in expanded notation form is (500 divided by 4)+(30 divided by 4)+2
I hope this helps a little bit
Standard Form has many faces including polynomial, decimal, equation and etc. According to your question transforming that in polynomial for Two hundred million would be 200,000,000 or 2 x 10^8 in scientific notation
The answer
there is no more explanation about this question, the solution can be found easily by applying the rule of transformation of rotation
for example, the properties of rotation transformation are:
A rotation preserves length but does not necessarily preserveslope of a line.
A 90° rotation ( 1/4 turn) anticlockwise about the origin changesthe point (x; y) to (-y; x).
A 180° rotation ( 1/2 turn) clockwise or anticlockwise about theorigin changes the point (x; y) to (-x;-y).
A 270° rotation ( 3/4 turn) anticlockwise changes about the originthe point (x; y) to (y;-x).
so the answer is
<span>R0, 270°</span>