Answer:1. the right to be safe
2. the right to receive compensation
3. the right to choose freely
4. the right to be heard
5. the right to be informed
6. the right to education
7. The right to service
Right to Safety
- The consumer must be protected from good that may pose threats to their life , this means safe medicines, pharmaceuticals, automobiles and foodstuffs. This are vital product in one's life hence they need to go through test to ensure safety
Right to Information
- consumers should be made aware of the quality and quantity of the products , price and other necessary information concerning that product.
Right to Choose
- consumers need to have access to various similar products and make their choice freely
Right to be compensated
- A consumer can file their complaints if they are not happy and they need to be compensated in that regard.
Right to be Heard
- The consumer must be taken serious when they send their issue to court
Right to Consumer Education
- They need to know what their rights are as they purchase certain goods
Right to service
- A customer has the right to good service .
Answer: mental set
Explanation: Problem solving could simply be defined as a set of processes required to proffer solution or find answers to a problem. The most commonly identified barriers to problem solving include ; confirmation bias, mental set, functional fixedness, unnecessary constraints, and irrelevant information.
In the scenario above, the barrier to problem solving the individual is failing to overcome is the mental set, which could be explained when an individual is rigid on a particular method or procedure adopted in solving previous problems. There is every possibility that, the individual was successfully able to open previous doors by pushing the door and has become inclined to the idea of pushing on all doors to gain entry.
That Andrew Jackson thought his wife's early death soon after the election was caused by defamatory remarks made during his campaign for office is genuine.
A populace selects a person or people to hold public office through a formal group decision-making process called an election.
Since the 17th century, elections have been the primary means by which modern representative democracies have been governed. Elections may be held to fill positions in the legislature, occasionally in the executive and judicial branches, as well as in regional and municipal government. Numerous other private and commercial groups, including businesses, clubs, and nonprofit associations, also employ this procedure.
The practice in the democratic archetype, ancient Athens, where elections were regarded as an oligarchic institution and the majority of political positions were filled using sortition, also known as allotment, in which officeholders were chosen by lot, contrasts with the use of elections as a tool for choosing representatives in modern representative democracies.
Learn more about elections here
I believe the answer is: Inferiority
According to erikson's every individuals have the need to have a sense of belonging/to be accepted by other members of the social group.
If they fail to achieve this, they would start to think that something is wrong with them and started to develop the feeling of inferiority.
He did it so he could have his freedom. He had many debts and this was one of the ways he paid his debts off.