A poetic device used is alliteration. When multiple words in a sentence start with the same sound/letter to create a sort of rhythm, that is alliteration.
“HE HELD my HAND and said I will HIRE you with my power.”
Look at all the H’s!
A noun phrase is formed by a noun or pronoun, this one receives the name of the head, and any dependent words before or after the head. Dependent words are the ones that give specific details about the head. An example of a noun phrase can be: <em>a quantifier + a determiner + an adjective + a noun.</em> However, there are some others that are longer and with more dependent words.
Following this concept the two noun phrases in the text are:
<em>1. Senior citizens and others who need medical assistance </em>
<em>2. The subset of the US population with Medicare</em>
Into the middle of a narrative without introduction
Answer: If you want you can make the poem rhyme. I personally find it easier to do so. Also, what type of poem is it? Is it a haiku? I can give you more tips if I know what type of poem.
bad thing: u compare your self to other people, bad mental health, etc
good thing: u may actually learn interesting stuff, keep up with friends plus family, know when major events may occur