That Greek god is associated with "wisdom, handicraft, and warfare".
Basically, she's wise and intelligent and is associated with manufacturing/creating, and battle/war
According to studies the correct answer would be <em>children of poverty. </em>Children who were raised in poverty are more likely to have developmental issues, they are often food deprived and are more prone to developing addictions. Where this can also be applied to the other categories, statistics show that poverty is and underlying factor that is crucial for understanding underdeveloped children that are immigrants, adopted or raised by a single parent.
Woodrow Wilson is a Democrat, not a Republican
<em>Commerce clause (Commerce power)</em>
Commerce clause, U.S. law Constitution<em> allowing Congress to regulate trade with, and among, foreign nations and Indian Tribes.</em>
Traditionally, the commerce clause has been viewed as both a legislative grant of positive authority and an implicit ban on state laws and regulations that conflict with or discriminate toward inter-state trade (the so-called "dormant" trade clause).
Rules are made by Congress and the president. Also what do you mean by the first part? be more specific.