The correct answer is letter "B": The proceeds of the bond issue entirely as debt.
Under the U.S. General Accepted Accounting Principles (<em>GAAP</em>) the issuance costs of bonds are ignored for reporting purposes but the amount of sales revenues is recorded as debt. The amortization of the bond can be calculated using the <em>effective interest method</em> or the <em>straight-line method</em>.
Being aware of one's expectations is to keep them in check and to ensure that they are realistic. This is one of the ways to practice <u>Effective Parenting.</u>
<h3>Dangers of Unrealistic Expectations</h3>
Some of the dangers of unrealistic expectations are:
- Friction
- misunderstandings
- frustrations
- damage to the self-esteem of the kids and stifle healthy mental development of the kids
See the link below for more:
Authority - Responsibility Balance & Incentive Development.
Authority refers to the power to command, give orders to somebody. And enjoying the position of having right to get it obeyed.
Responsibility refers to being in a position of accountability, answerability for an allocated task or job & its performance.
For Eg : A manager given responsibility to complete a task of production targets achievement, is also given authority to command the entire staff at the production site.
Joe had problem while working for someone else that :- he had responsibility to complete employers allocated task, but may be not given enough authority to do so, thats why he felt he is being 'commanded by, working for' someone else. Also, he doesn't owe the rewards of his acts, so lacks incentive.
Being an entrepreneur will entitle him with managerial responsibilities, but at the same time will also give him higher authority to take his own independent decisions. And, he is himself responsible for his acts, will bear losses or enjoy profits for himself. So, it also incentivises him to work for himself.
The answer is an active cell. A circular reference occurs when a cell in an Excel<span> 2010 worksheet refers to itself.</span>
$70 per unit.
Based on the information given we were been told that the market price of X costs the amount of $70 per unit which simply means that market price exists, based on this the transfer price of X in a situation were each division is been treated as a profit making center will be the market price of $70 per unit.