D. demand is unitary elastic.
A unitary elastic demand means that the quantity demanded will change proportionally to any change in the price of the product or service. E.g. price decreases by 10%, then quantity demanded will increase by 10%.
The marginal revenue curve represents the additional revenue generated by selling one more unit. As the marginal revenue curve approaches 0, it means that selling one additional unit generates lower revenues.
The distribution organizes data by recording all the values observed in a sample as well as how many times each value was observed.
Data distribution is a function that provides all possible values of a variable and also quantifies their relative frequencies (probabilities of how often they occur). Distributions are considered for all populations in which the data are spread out. Another example is a pie chart showing the percentages of different substances that make up the complete object.
We divided the distributions into two categories, depending on the type of organizes data you are using. Discrete distributions for discrete data (finite results) and continuous distributions for continuous data (infinite results).
Learn more about organizes data at
The primary source of information
Direct or first-hand raw data is known as the primary source of information. Primary information is not edited, analyzed, or summarised in any way.
In the case of Jamie, information from the telephone directory is first hand. It is raw data because it has not been analyzed to provide customer feedback on customer satisfaction. Directories are archives or manuscript records that fall in the primary source of data.
Since there are only a limited number of apartments near the city center, these apartments will be allocated based on <u>BOTH THE COSTS AND BENEFITS</u>. This process is known as <u>OPTIMIZATION.</u>
Optimization refers to calculating the change in net benefits between alternative choices, and choosing the alternative that provides the most benefits at the lowest costs.
For example, the cost of an apartment downtown will be much higher if measured as $ per square foot, but the advantage of saving 90 minutes of travel time a day might justify the extra cost.
If you are married and have children, then the extra cost of living downtown might be too high due to the amount of space needed for the whole family, therefore, it might be cheaper to spend 90 minutes a day travelling than paying an extremely high rent.