The word that can complete the white space correctly is the word "reconciliation." In this case, we can say that option B is the correct answer.
We can say this because:
- The blank space must be filled with a word that provides coherence and cohesion to the text.
- Furthermore, the word must be correct and meet the grammatical requirements of the language.
- The word must also allow a fluid and meaningful reading, allowing the reader to understand what the text is expressing.
Thus, we can state that the only word among the response options capable of meeting all these requirements is the word "reconciliation."
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A man is constantly affected by nature and unwillingly sees others' feeling as his own. We can't abstain from being slaves of our surroundings. Our opportunity lies in finding a domain that will impact us absolutely. You may my thoughts intriguing but its just an opinion.
President Lincoln's message from the paragraph was that he did not at first think it a necessity to have military emancipation (freedom through joining the war) or to arm "the blacks" so they may fight in the Civil War. However, in March, May, and July later on in the war, he did decide to promote compensated emancipation (freedom through being paid), with the idea that the previous two would eventually become a necessity. When he was denied compensated emancipation, Lincoln was then faced with either losing the war or allowing military emancipation and arming the black soldiers. All in the hopes that the Union would win, but he was not very confident about their chances against the South.
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In this excerpt the author is arguing that we are taught the correct things in school (not fighting with other, working things out with them, respecting them and creatures and cleaning our mess) but when it comes to the environment, to poverty and society; the governments prefer to use its resources on war instead of the well being of the earth and the human beings among them.