-1 to +1
The correlation coefficient range is from -1 to +1.
-1 shows that there is perfect negative correlation.
+1 shows that there is perfect positive correlation.
0 shows there is no correlation.
Positive correlation shows that with the increase of let's say X, there would also be increase of Y. They would positively move together
Negative correlation shows that two variable move in opposite direction.
The options for this question are the following:
A. current reality assessment
B. establish the mission
C. prepare values statement
D. maintain strategic control
The correct answer is A. current reality assessment
The current evaluation has been designed to evaluate competencies. In the new trends, two support centers can be found: one, focused on the critical review of education sciences in particular and social sciences in general and the other, more pragmatic, derived from the new challenges introduced by the progress dizzying of science and technology.
The traditional evaluation procedure responds to content-based education. It is based on forms of institutionalized obedience and tends to lead the educational process to the school routine and the use of coercive measures, thus impeding the search for critical and creative thinking.
Sensitivity analysis. Where one variable is being tweaked a little to see the NPV, that is always sensitivity analysis.
Correct option: The media only covered positive elements of the Space Race and never mentioned any setbacks.
The above given option does not talk about any aspect of media coverage of the space race and its effects on the economy. Covering only positive aspect without explaining its economic implications does not have any positive or negative effect on any economic activity, externalities or economic well being of any country. On the other hand, option B , C and D talks about economic implications.
Option (E) is correct.
The opportunity cost refers to the benefits that are sacrificed by choosing some other alternative.
In our case, there are two restaurants as follows:
One is 2 miles away from home with higher prices
Second one is 15 miles away from home with lower prices
But Melissa chooses the first one by comparing the opportunity cost associated with each option relative to the other option.
This is because of the higher opportunity cost associated with second restaurant offsets the higher monetary cost of the first restaurant.