This is easy, common denominators. Well you know denominators are at the bottom of a fraction, and you know common means the same, so it would be something like
a d
b = b
The cartoon expresses a view of utter contempt for Chamberlain, who was the British Prime Minister at the time.
The Munich Agreement was signed by Britain, France, Italy (Germany's ally), and Germany, and what the pact allowed Germany to annex a portion of Czeckoslovakia named the "Sudeteland", mostly inhabited by Ethnic Germans.
Hitler had threatened with starting a war if the pact was not signed, and claimed that the Sudeteland would be the last land annexation of Nazi Germany in Europe.
British leader Chamberlain, and French leader Philippe Pétain believed in Hitler's word, and signed the agreement.
The agreement was obviously a failure, because only a year later Germany would launch the invasion of Poland, starting World War II.
For this reason, both Chamberlain and Pétain are seen by historians as ineffective leaders.
As a candidate, Carter himself had said he advocated "pardon" (a term he preferred to amnesty). He said, "I do advocate a pardon for draft evaders. ... Now is the time to heal our country after
the Vietnam war. ... I hope to bring about an end to the divisiveness that has occurred
in our country as a result of the Vietnam war."
On his second day in office, President Carter in fact did pardon draft dodgers. This applied only to civilians who evaded the draft. It did not apply to active duty military personnel who went absent without leave (AWOL) or deserted their units during the war.
The government set standards for workplace safety