The American way of life is the biggest threat to the American way of life.
We act as if we believe that we own and run the world. Careless, wasteful, more than a little bit cocky and self-centered — these traits have defined Americans and our way of life for several generations. It is time for us to become more thoughtful, careful stewards of our natural resources, and more respectful of those other nations with whom we share the earth. If we fail to adjust our attitude, it will become literally impossible for future Americans to enjoy anything like the lifestyle the baby boomers, their parents, and subsequent generations have enjoyed.
He me with the Ku Klux Klan
While it is important to note that the French Revolution highlighted the friction between the French bourgeoisie royalty and the aristocracy, it is not to be credited as the major cause of the revolution. The revolution was caused by the financial strain of the French government at the time. The decreasing credibility of the monarchy in terms of their management of finances and wealth induced the increasing doubt the public had for them.
I don't see any answers but she founded the first school for women's higher education <span />
Chagas disease is a dangerous disease initiated by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi). Approximately 6 million to 7 million people universal are projected to be diseased with Trypansosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes Chagas disease. Chagas disease is found mostly in widespread areas of 21 Latin American countries where it is typically vector-borne conveyed to humans by interaction with feces or urine of triatomine bugs or kissing bugs.