Africa had several advanced civilizations during the Middle Ages. The kingdom of Zimbabwe, founded by the Shona people, was the largest kingdom in southern Africa. The people of this kingdom built a grand stone palace with gigantic walls. Timbuktu, a city in the kingdom of Mali, was a center of Islamic scholarship. The people of these kingdoms traveled across the Sahara to conduct trade. They traded with countries as far away as India and China.
Answer for Plato!
1. Septuagint. LXX Version
2. Eyewitness. Person who sees and testifies
3. Beloved physician. Luke
4. Holy Spirit. Author of the New Testament
5. Peter, James, and John. Pillars of the early church
6. Hypocrite. Actor or pretender
7. James and Jude. Half-brothers of Jesus
8. Luke. Wrote a sequel to his Gospel
9. Synoptic. Presenting a common view
10. Revelation. Means unveiling or uncovering
11. The lowly Servant. Mark's viewpoint of Jesus
12. Theophilus. Nobleman to whom Luke wrote
13. Malachi. Last book in the Old Testament
The answer is below
There are various reasons why it is more fun in the Philippines. However, here are some or ten reasons why is more fun in the Philippines
1. Interesting views
2. Several islands to visit
3. Availability of diving spots
4. Various Pinoy foods to eat
5. Chance to meet good people
6. Several festivals to watch
7. Incredible Nightlife
8. Existence of mixed cultures
9. Open arm approach from citizens
10. Generally interesting in the Philippines
It could affect how said person gets a job. cyberbullying is checked for in interveiws.
Answer; C
Explanation: he Vedas are a collection of hymns and other ancient religious texts written in India between about 1500 and 1000 BCE.