C. Primaria
Una fuente primaria se refiere a la información obtenida de una observación de primera mano de una cosa.
Cuando se observa directamente a los miembros de una especie, se recopila información más confiable. Dado que esta información se recopila a través de una observación directa de primera mano y un censo de las especies involucradas, la fuente de información se obtiene de una fuente primaria.
The effect that is described as discrepancy between candidates' high poll ratings and election performance, caused by supporters' assumption that an easy win means they need not turn out is called BOOMERANG EFFECT.
The second step of Ethical decision includes an individual to identify all possible plans of actions that may be considered to be applied on a situation.
Ethical decision making refers to the process of evaluating and choosing a right decision from a wide array of alternatives and solutions that came from the decision making process influenced by ethical principles.
Recognition is the measure of memory used on a test that requires matching terms with correct definitions.
avoid conflict
there should be tolerance they should learn how to tolerate each other
in this way, they wouldn't fight or hate each other