Traditional technologies were initially invented during the time when knowledge were still limited. So, their maximum potential were left undiscovered by the people who live in the past.
The efficiency of traditional technologies can be massively improved by adding some key features of modern inventions.
For example, Wheels has existed since 3,500 B.C. But it only reach its maximum potential in terms of speed, durability, and resistance power only after the latest latex and steel technology was invented .
Other example would be light bulbs. It was created in 1879, but only reach it maximum potential in term of energy efficiency after the invention of LED technology.
Availability heuristics
The availability of heuristics is also called the availability of bias. It is a short cut of mental availability. This work on the notions of the availability of something that can be recalled from the memory. It should be important and at-least more important than the alternative solutions that can not be recalled very easily.
The availability of the solution can be associated with the available solution and relies on it.
The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that every citizen is protected from unwarranted searches and seizures. The answer is B.
because people in rural areas are more involved in physical work like agriculture, grazing animals, fishing etc. Such work needs more physical labour and hence more calorie intake is demanded.
Human rights are universal and inalienable. Whether they relate to civil, cultural, economic, political or social issues, human rights are inherent to the dignity of every human person. Consequently, all human rights have equal status, and cannot be positioned in a hierarchical order.