Money laundering involves three steps: The first involves introducing cash into the financial system by some means ("placement")
Answer: marketing is beneficial to customers because they can receive lower price they can receive new and improved products and it is also beneficial to the business because it allows businesses to maintain long-lasting and ever-present relationships with their audience
Answer: Dirty float system.
The dirty float system is also knowns as "managed float".
It is a floating exchange rate in which the central bank of a particular country steps in occasionally to alter the pace at which the country's currency change value. In this system, the central bank acts to prevent external economics shock and guide against its disruptive effect on the domestic economy.
True it can. just depends on the product/ services it offers
A book-keeper is an employee hired for keeping a day-to-day record of financial transactions in ledger. The book-keeper performs the task of book-keeping of financial transactions of a company or enterprise.
The financial transaction includes sales, purchases, payments, etc. These enteries are recorded in a general ledger. This entering of financial transactions has to be done on daily basis.
Thus the correct answerr is option B.