Answer Below ⬇️
A roast chicken needs to rest for about 15 minutes to insure it is fully cooked and for a juicier chicken.
1. c
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. e
6. f
1. You shouldn't <u><em>bottle up </em></u>your feelings; now, tell me what's wrong.
2. I was going to go bungee jumping, but then I <u><em>chickened out!</em></u>
3. <u><em>Cheer up!</em></u> Things will be better tomorrow, I'm sure of it.
4. I really <u><em>freaked out</em></u> when I saw that huge spider in the bathroom!
5. The little boy <u><em>burst into </em></u> tears when his favorite toy broke.
6. Please <u><em>calm down </em></u> and tell me what happened.
B. Modifiers
A modifier is a word or phrase that gives more information about something in a sentence.
A man (or a human to be politically correct). In Greek mythology, a monster in the city of Thebes called the Sphinx would ask this question to any passerby and if they couldn't answer it correctly, the Sphinx would eat him/her. In the morning, the man is a baby and he crawls on fours. In the afternoon, a man is grown and walks on two feet. In the evening, the man is old and requires a cane to walk. The man who solved this riddle was Oedipus who, upon solving it, caused the Sphinx to fling herself off a cliff and commit suicide.
Your correct answer is the fourth: 'After they rested a few days, the aliens revived sufficiently to explore.'