Changes in temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, and the presence of any inhibitors or activators can affect enzyme activity.
For example increasing substrate concentration increases the rate of reaction.
This is because more substrate molecules will be colliding with enzyme molecules, so more product will be formed.
The process which must occur when intending to work with research animals that are covered by the U.S federal regulations is ethical review and approval
Some animals had been threatened of extinction due to inconsiderate usage and killings due to either commercial, food, or research purpose. The U.S government, therefore, to prevent the extinction of such animals, formulated a law to restrict the engagement of these animals, even in research if the research will involve the slaughtering, injuring, or alter the physiological functions of the subject animals. Therefore, there has been needing to undergo a compulsory ethical review process when planning to undertake research. This process will objectively review the aims and objectives of the intended research, the methodology involved in achieving the aim, as stated in the research proposal. The importance of this review is to determine if the research will have deleterious effects on the animals, both spontaneously and in the future.
Bees can get in and out, carrying pollen with them from flower to flower pollinating as they go. On the the other hand, Gymnosperms have to let their seeds somehow travel away and plant itself, or with the help of nature, they plant themselfs
But it is easier for those flowering plants to pollinate.
Fungi are natural decomposers in ecosystems. They break down waste and dead organisms, and return the nutrients back into the ecosystem so more plants can receive nutrients, animals can eat those plants, and so on and so forth.
If all the fungi died out, things that decompose it will remain, and the nutrients will not return to the ecosystem. This will cause the plants to receive less nutrients, along with the animals, and as the cycle continues plants will not have enough nutrients to become a sustainable food source. If this happened, the herbivores would not have food and die out. The creatures that eat the herbivores would not have their food either. Eventually us humans will not have good food sources due to lack of nutrients.
In terms of the economy, many animals are sold in the stock market or sent to stores for humans to buy. If there was a large decrease in cattle, for example, the cattle stock would disappear and all the shares in that stock would be lost. This would make a lot of problems, and as the stock market is very complicated and large scale it would be an absolute disaster if an entire stock disappeared. It also wouldn't be JUST cattle. Wheat, corn, and crop stocks would be lost too. Other animal or livestock stocks would be lost as well. This could eventually cause the stock market to crash in a way, which would lead to the Great Depression. Just because of fungicide.
It's not like you would put down some fungicide and the stock market would crash a month later. It would be a very slow and gradual thing, which is good so we can keep things like that from happening right now!
Hope this helped!
<span> a. A long chain of adenine nucleotides is added to the 3' end of mRNA during termination of transcription is the correct about the polyadenylation mechanism.
hope it helps