WASHINGTON — He canceled a trip to a cemetery in France where American soldiers from World War I are buried. He did not go to the observance at Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day. He has not visited American troops in Iraq or Afghanistan.
And shortly after becoming commander in chief, President Trump asked so few questions in a briefing at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., that top military commanders cut the number of prepared PowerPoint slides to three — they had initially planned 18 — said two officials with knowledge of the visit.
Frankfort school
Critical theory is a school of thought which emphasizes the contemplative evaluation and analysis of society and culture by implementing principles from the humanities and social sciences.
As a phase, critical theory has two definitions with different sources and histories: The first introduced in sociology and the second introduced in literary criticism.
Critical theory is used and implemented in the sense which can describe a philosophy founded upon critique. Thus, the scholar Max Horkheimer explained a theory as critical which attempts "to release human beings from the conditions that enslave them".
Americans have often prided themselves on their rich diversity.
Answer: A. The Nazis promoted German nationalism and used propaganda to convince Germans that Jews were naturally enemies of Germany.