1. Data Cleaning
2. Data Integration
3. Data Selection
4. Data transformation
5. Data Mining
6. Pattern Evaluation
7. Knowledge presentation
The steps involved in data mining or data analytics when viewed as a process of knowledge discovery includes the following:
Step 1. Data cleaning: this involves the elimination of inconsistent data.
Step 2. Data integration: this involves the combination of data from multiple sources.
Step 3. Data selection: this is the step where significant data for task examination are gathered from the database.
Step 4. Data transformation: this the step in which the data are modified for mining by conducting the aggregate operation.
Step 5. Data mining: this step involves the extraction of data patterns through specific techniques.
Step 6. Pattern evaluation: this step involves the identification of patterns that depict knowledge based on measures.
Step 7. Knowledge presentation: this is the step in which visualization and knowledge representation methods are utilized to illustrate mined knowledge to users.
Alright imma explain below
It it’s similar because both give info. Also the reaction time on both are fast. They are different in some ways too. A computer runs on electricity but the brain doesn’t. A brain can actually think but a computer can not.
Hope this helps
Mainframe Computer
The Mainframe Computers are designed for bulk data processing with high speed and storing huge data that can't be performed by other regular PCs. They can run multiple instances of operating systems at the same time. They are used for application such as accounting, business transaction, information retrieval, airlines for the seat reservation and engineering computation.
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