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A. Arbitrary code execution
A buffer-overrun, also known as buffer overflow occurs when a programmer makes an error during coding, which could make his system easily susceptible to attacks from a hacker. The root cause of this problem is an overflow of data in a buffer, and programs that are written in C and C+ + are more likely to be affected by this problem. When a buffer-overrun occurs, it would most likely lead to arbitrary code execution.
Arbitrary code execution is an uncontrolled and unrestricted coding by the attacker which alters the original coding. The attacker could input more information into the coding, which alters the original information and which would make the application porous and accessible by just anyone. It is important that programmers run regular tests on their programs, so as to detect any coding errors.
1.press window key + R
2.type cmd and press enter
3. write "ipconfig /all" without quotes and press enter
4. look for physical address word
that's your Mac address