When Phil Davison said "use it not only as a tool, but as a weapon," he violated which guideline of proactive speech delivery as he did everything opposite to the guidelines of a proactive speech rules.
Because these are the rules apply to proactive speech, the speech should be meaningful and your voice should be expressive. Reduce the number of pauses while delivering the speech like ums, uhs, likes, and y'knows. Spell words out loudly. Don't murmur or mispronounce them.
Use the proper volume and pace when speaking. Consider the topic, location, and audience. To make your point clearer and keep the audience's attention, vary your voice's pace, intonation, and power. But what Phil Davison did was Despite possessing a master's in communication, things just get worse from there.
His voice starts to grow, but not in the positive way we talked about in class. Davison starts shouting at the top of his lungs one minute and twenty-five seconds into the speech. If frightening the audience by screaming at them qualifies as pathos, Davison is making the most of pathos. I was unable to discover how Davison used pathos in any other way. And he did everything against the guidelines of proactive speech.
To know more about speech:
Sleep does many different things for our bodies. Without sleep we wouldn't be able to do half the things we do during the day. So sleep is one of the top priorities our bodies need for a healthy life.
Well, a author has many types of styles, but it all depends on what author you are talking about.
See below
Swaying in the breeze - the tree began to drop its leaves
the autumn leaves covered the yard - crunching beneath the children's feet
Seeing that it was injured - Sam slowly approached his cat
holding its paw gingerly - the cat crept under sam's bed
Boxer tries to achieve the realization of their goals. When the farm needs more work from its animals, Boxer exceeds the already high expectations placed upon his work output. When the farm needs him to sacrifice, he willingly does so. Boxer is only trying to achieve what others want from him.