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The bottom of the sea is lined with calcium carbonate, which comes from the shells of zooplankton that have died and sunk to the ocean floor. ... As a result, according to a study published recently in PNAS, parts of the seafloor are disintegrating.
I’m pretty sure it’s skeletal muscle:) hope you have a nice day
La escreción ye un procesu fisilóxicu, que-y dexa al organismu esaniciar sustances de refugaya tóxicos pal cuerpu, calteniendo asina n'equiliburu la composición de la homeostasis y otros fluyíos corporales.
Temperature is the most harsh abiotic factor that limits distribution of the tundra biome.
The tundra biome can be described as a biome that is one of the most abundant biome of the earth but allows little growth of trees due to its very cold temperatures. Often, in a tundra biome, no trees would be seen. The ground soil of this biome remains frozen most of the year and is termed as permafrost. The tundra biome shows very little biodiversity due to the extreme cold conditions. Very few animals and plants are adapted to live in these conditions.
Answer: After mitiosis, each daughter cell will also have 12 chromosomes. Cytokinesis is just the last stage of telophase, where the cell completely forms the two daughter cells. Telophase does not form chromosomes.