confused confused confused
significado es veneno o toxina. Se trata de una entidad biológica que cuenta con la capacidad de autorreplicarse al utilizar la maquinaria celular. Un virus está formado por una cápside de proteínas que envuelve al ácido nucleico (ADN o ARN).
A. The gas molecules possess kinetic energy.
The characteristics of the Ideal gases are given by the Kinetic Theory of gases which are as follows:-
Gases consist of particles in constant, random motion. They continue in a straight line until they collide with something—usually each other or the walls of their container.
Particles are point masses with no volume. The particles are so small compared to the space between them, that we do not consider their size in ideal gases.
No molecular forces are at work. This means that there is no attraction or repulsion between the particles.
Gas pressure is due to the molecules colliding with the walls
Its a strong electrolyte!.