Food starts to move through your GI tract when you eat. When you swallow, your tongue pushes the food into your throat. A small flap of tissue, called the epiglottis, folds over your windpipe to prevent choking and the food passes into your esophagus.
Esophagus. Once you begin swallowing, the process becomes automatic. Your brain signals the muscles of the esophagus and peristalsis begins.
Lower esophageal sphincter. When food reaches the end of your esophagus, a ringlike muscle—called the lower esophageal sphincter —relaxes and lets food pass into your stomach. This sphincter usually stays closed to keep what’s in your stomach from flowing back into your esophagus.
Stomach. After food enters your stomach, the stomach muscles mix the food and liquid with digestive juices. The stomach slowly empties its contents, called chyme, into your small intestine.
Small intestine. The muscles of the small intestine mix food with digestive juices from the pancreas, liver, and intestine, and push the mixture forward for further digestion. The walls of the small intestine absorb water and the digested nutrients into your bloodstream. As peristalsis continues, the waste products of the digestive process move into the large intestine.
Large intestine. Waste products from the digestive process include undigested parts of food, fluid, and older cells from the lining of your GI tract. The large intestine absorbs water and changes the waste from liquid into stool. Peristalsis helps move the stool into your rectum.
Rectum. The lower end of your large intestine, the rectum, stores stool until it pushes stool out of your anus during a bowel movement.
1) apical meristem
3) elongation
5) increases exposure to light
9) occurs in plants that live only one year
2) cork cambium
4) provides structural support
6) increases vascular flow
<span>7) growth in thickness
</span>10) lateral meristem
11) vascular cambium
8) occurs in plants that live many years.
There is no cure for cystic fibrosis, but treatment can ease symptoms and reduce complications.
1). For those with cystic fibrosis who have certain gene mutations, doctors may recommend a newer medication called ivacaftor. This medication may improve lung function and weight, increases the activity of Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)protein and reduce the amount of salt in sweat. It has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for people with cystic fibrosis who are age 6 and older. The dose depends on your weight and age.
2). For people with a certain gene mutation who are age 12 and older, another drug is available that combines ivacaftor with a medication called lumacaftor. This drug is called orkambi.
The use of Orkambi may improve lung function and reduce the risk of exacerbations.
I hope you're clear on this Daxxy
The correct answer is: True.
I Really Hope This Helped You! :)
Diploid and polypeptide cells whose chromosomes have the same allele at a given locus are called homologous with respect to that locus, while those that have different alleles at a given locus are called heterogeneous. The ordered list of loci known for a particular genome is called a gene map.