Larry uses mitigated skepticism. According to David Hume's essay, mitigated skepticism is where somebody simply accepts the limits of human knowledge while shadowing the real aims of math and science. This is a philosophical tactic that tries to offer a level of caution in human reasoning.
The popular idea that terminally ill and bereaved people go through predictable stages, such as denial, anger, and so forth "is not supposed by research studies".
The five stages of dying are;denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.These stages start when the patient is first known of a terminal ailment. While Kubler-Ross trusted this to be general, there is a considerable amount of space for singular variety. Not every person experiences each stage and the order of the stages might be distinctive for every individual.
Answer: The Cultural Revolution
while we were under British rule, we felt that the king held too much power. the founding fathers worked really hard to create a system that would prevent one person from having too much power. although at the time there were not any term limits for president, Washington was very wary and aware that a third term could (unintentionally) give him too much power. also, he was growing old and felt that if he died while still in office, it would give Americans the impression that being president was a lifetime thing (which would also lead to one man holding a lot of power)