The student is wrong, just because the analogous structures of any two organism may have the same structure or even have the some relation between there way of operation or functions.
- <u>Analogous Structures:</u>
As the similarity between two or more different organisms structure or any organ does not means that they have same ancestors or have the common origin from which the evolve into two different species. Now analogous structures are very much similar in there structure physically, but two different organisms may use them for the same function, which is astonishing to see or observe in way different species.
As the structure of the flipper of a Dolphin has similarity with the phalanges of a human being and with the wings of the bat. As all of them functions for the basic need of movement or locomotion from one point to another. While, all the three species are very much different in there features and are not the same obviously.
<span>A low white blood cell count usually is caused by: Viral infections that temporarily disrupt the work of bone marrow. Certain disorders present at birth (congenital) that involve diminished bone marrow function. Cancer (or other diseases that damage bone marrow)</span>
La hepatitis B es un virus, una infección de su hígado. Puede causar cicatrización del órgano, insuficiencia hepática y cáncer.
The answer is Estrogen.
The hormone that causes the new growth of the endometrial lining of the uterus is ESTROGEN. During the first days of menstruation, estrogen levels are low; In the middle of the follicular phase the follicle that is going to ovulate has already been selected, is when estrogen levels begin to rise. It is considered as an index of the fertile period of the menstrual cycle. Glandular proliferation occurs at the endometrial level (Proliferative phase).
In certain organisms, like humans, there are two morphologically distinct types of gametes: (1) the male gamete (i.e. sperm cell) and (2) the female gamete (i.e. ovum). The male gamete is smaller in size and motile whereas the female gamete is several times bigger and non-motile. The haploid condition of the two gametes is essential so that at fertilization during sexual reproduction the integrity of the chromosomal number is maintained throughout generations.
Hope this helps.