In 1968, x-rays taken of Tutankhamun's body revealed bone fragments in his skull.
In one of the inspections of Tutankhamun's mummy made in 1968, a notch was discovered in the skull that suggested that Tutankhamun may have been killed by a blow to the head. Among the suspects, one of his priests and the commander of his army. However, the conclusions of a new and detailed analysis of the remains, published in 2005, revealed that the young Pharaoh had a broken leg and that, although this was not the direct cause of his death, could trigger an infection that ended taking him to the grave. The researchers concluded that the fragments of the skull were broken during the embalming process.
The stock market cash led many people to withdraw their deposits/take out loans from the banks. And because people could not pay the banks back for this, it ultimately lead to banks not having enough money to function.