Si existe variación en el acervo genético de la población, esto permite que la selección natural actúe sobre los rasgos de la población que permiten la adaptación al ambiente cambiante. Cuanta más diversidad hay en una población, mayor es la probabilidad de que la población pueda adaptarse a los nuevos cambios.
the raven
octopus - intelligent but very antisocial with a short life span, meaning they most likely will not work with other octopuses to improve while also living in the ocean making it harder to build. (but could probably evolve to walk on land)
dolphin - smart but does not have thumbs to make tools and lives in the ocean meaning they have a disadvantage.
raven - intelligent, works with other ravens and sometimes even wolves, and has shown to make tools.
Decreased biodiversity
Highway construction or lessening surface grades for port and airport developments have led to an important loss of fertile land.
Apart from the mentioned functions of a cell membrane, one of the prime functions of a cell membrane is to take part in the communication between the cell and its environment. The cell membrane is one of the most essential components that take part in communication and ensures that the messages are received and decoded appropriately.
A cell membrane comprises various proteins that plays an essential role in ensuring communication between the cells. These proteins obtain chemical information from other cells known as signaling molecules. When these molecules combine with the cellular membrane’s proteins they stimulate a modification or change in protein conformation, which then transmits the information into the cell and instigates a particular cellular reaction.