Iceberg: The formation of icebergs increases salinity because it is taking liquid water out of the ocean without taking the salt.
Sea Ice: Same as icebergs, this increases salinity because it removes liquid water.
Runoff: This decreases salinity because it is introducing fresh water into the ocean, reducing the salt to water ratio.
Evaporation: This would increase salinity because it is removing liquid water from the ocean, increasing the salt to water ratio.
Hope this helps!
sour, corrosive
An acid is a substance that donates hydrogen ions. Because of this, in an acidic solution there are more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. This means the more acidic a food is, the more hydrogen ions are available to trigger the sour taste receptors. A base is a substance that accepts hydrogen ions.
El sistema inmune innato se compone principalmente de barreras físicas, como la piel y las membranas mucosas, barreras químicas, a través de la acción de péptidos antimicrobianos y especies reactivas de oxígeno [4], células inmunes innatas y mediadores solubles como el sistema del complemento, anticuerpos innatos
Naegleria fowleri is the causative pathogen in the rare and fatal form of meningitis called <u>primary amoebic meningoencephalitis</u><u> </u><u>(</u><u> </u><u>PAM </u><u>)</u>