Straw man fallacy
Straw man fallacy is one in which an argument is rejected or is considered worthless by the opponent without proper supporting facts and evidence. In the given question Blake is rejecting an argument by saying that this had already failed. He has not listened and analyzed the argument and has just rejected it.
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The society can be contrasted with the Choral tributes in the Greek Play, Antgonein numerous routes by advising, disclosing and making associations with people groups' emotions and surroundings.Just as media, for example, daily papers, news reports, radio, and TV assume a tremendous part in today society, the part of the theme in Antigone is similarly as imperative. Like what number of plays and books have storytellers, Antgonehas the chorale to imply how the group of onlookers should react to specific occasions of the play.
Answer: C.. God had created a rational universe that could only be understood through reason.
The federal government I believe. Since they are of higher authority than the state government.