C: Legislative Branch, such as declaring war
2013 in the dark side of ethics is this an example of interpreting rules without attention to overreaching values.
Each of us has encountered coworkers who engage in dubious activity yet believe they are doing morally and occasionally even consider their actions to be outstanding. We do not mean clearly unethical activity that is justified (such as one psychologist who billed Medicare for hundreds of thousands of dollars for services never delivered, but then explained that he was such a concerned healer that he did not have time to attend to the details of billing). Instead, we're talking about instances where psychologists consciously think they're acting morally.
To know more about work ethics :
Ram or Srī Rāmachandra is the seventh avatar of the god Vishnu. He is the central figure of the Hindu epic Ramayana, which is the principal narration of the events connected to his incarnation on Earth, his ideals, and his greatness. Rama is one of the many deities in Hinduism and especially of the various sects of Vaishnavism. Religious texts and scriptures based on his life have been a formative component in numerous cultures of South Asia and Southeast Asia.Along with Krishna, Rama is considered to be one of the most important avatars of Vishnu. In Rama-centric sects, he is considered the Supreme Being, rather than an avatar.
Supra-nationalism is the process of nation states organizing politically and economically into one organization or alliance. Supranational organizations are where three or more countries form an alliance for cultural, economic, or military reasons. These alliances are created so states can reach cultural, economic or military goals they may not be able to reach without relying on one another.
The European Union (EU) is an example of a supranational organization that was created for cultural, economic and security reasons. Member states joined together and created foreign and security policies, mutual rights for citizens, and combined the politics and economies of the member states