The first one is C and the second answer is C as well
To find your heart rate, there are a lot of ways to do it but <u>neck and wrist </u>are the top two i'd say.
Neck: Take two fingers and place them in the more hollow part of your neck by your "adam's apple" (or larynx) in the middle (place them on any side but it might be easier on the <u>right</u>).
Wrist: To find your wrist pulse, you take two fingers again and put them on the same side of your wrist as your thumb, by the bone in the middle. If you don't know what I'm talking about there is a bone right in the middle of you arm (starts at the wrist pretty much) and to the same side of your wrist as your thumb, if you place your two fingers there you will find a pulse!
{The equation to find maximum heart rate is to take your age and subtract it from 220.}
<u>BUT,</u> to find the regular heart beat at that second all you have to do is count how many beats you have in 15 seconds and multiply that number of beats by 4 to know your beats per minute.
I hope this helped you and makes sense!
Dancing is not my sport, it’s my passion that I want to work hard for and in my spare time I put more effort into it and I never want to give it up no matter what. When the day arrives for me to compete in the dancing competition that I have to put everything I have learned in years. I seldom get exhausted on the floor on dancing even I am dancing alone in my home and I never want to give up because my urge is to be the best dancer in my school.
I found that one must keep doing a dance in my spare time in order to become an expert in this sport. One must also make sure their customer also matches the music they are dancing on. When you perform in front of many people that is the most exciting part. We make sure that our hair, clothes, makeup are according to a situation before we hit the floor. One must also make sure to have a stretch before they start to dance in their team`s room.
When our team is next in line, everyone in the team feels excited to show their latent talent on the stage. When we are on the stage all dancers are hooking up and waiting for their turn to show it to the audience. After announcers announce our team name, we just dance our head out in the middle of the floor with full zeal.
Now all pressure is on your team when the music starts so it’s time to show the world your true talent. We received a standing ovation when the music ends and everyone in the hall stands up and we walk back to our room filled with excitement and anxiously waiting to receive the award in the award ceremony. When every time is done from their part, we were waiting to get awarded if our name comes into the three best teams. Finally, we heard that the school that took second place is … [school name].
Suddenly, excited screams fill at the stage which made every dancer of our team jumping, hugging and screaming with joy with one another as a second-place we took in our first competition of year [year].
We visited our family to cheer them too and our friends too. When we bring gifts to our family and friends like shirts, ice cream or flowers are our exciting moments. We advise dancers not to eat much before dancing so they can easily make dancing moves. We often exchange hugs and give best wishes to every dancer that they also take any position in the competition.