The rings of Saturn are the most extensive ring system of any planet in the Solar System. They consist of countless small particles, ranging in size from micrometers to meters, that orbit about Saturn. The ring particles are made almost entirely of water ice, with a trace component of rocky material.
Lexi stop farting on them bit-ch-es!
They are worth something, diamond is worth the most
No matter in what capacity you are writing a letter of advice, the burden lies on you, to give a positive response. Before responding to such a request you should think about it, but the letter should not be delayed. You should choose your words carefully, do not try to be judgmental. Make the person believe that you really care about him or her and the opinion you are giving is based on the sincerity. If you consider the topic sensitive, you should consider your approach carefully and avoid strong language. Its better to restrict your opinion, to the subject that has been asked do not add other aspects to it.