Augmentative communication strategies may include the use of picture books and computer assisted devices that help people with expressive difficulties overcome the frustration of being unable to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and desire to other people.
Immigrants chose to come for various reasons, such as to live in freedom, to practice their religion freely, to escape poverty or oppression, and to make better lives for themselves and their children. Some people already have members of their family residing in this country, and desire reunification.
The ten most populous countries in North America are: United States: 321.2 million. Mexico: 121 million. Canada: 35.8 million.
If you don't worry about having a positive attitude toward them you wouldn't be tolerant if there were a mishappening. If you overlook their performance or don't call attention to problems when things are going poorly, you will not help them and you could be also part of the problems you are avoiding.
<em>How do you think Voltaire's trip to England was a turning point for him and for the Enlightenment? </em>
He was influed by the freedom (by the time's standards) he found in England comparing to France.
<em>Why do you think Denis Diderot said that an intolerant man is an evil man? Do you agree? Explain your answer. </em>
Yes, I agree. Because to be intolerant means not to listen to the other side and acknowldege their right to have a different opinion, this can lead to de-humanization of the opponent to the point of justifying any evil act towards him/her.
<em>Why do you think the philosophes never recognized their own prejudices about women? </em>
Maybe they are the product of their time, they are humans, and as any normal human being they are/were failable. Sometimes they could see things that no-one had ever seen before but sometimes they failed to acknowledge their mistakes and their times' mistakes.