The larynx is the organ which is situated below the tract where the pharynx splits into the trachea and the esophagus. It is present in the vocal folds of the throat. It is responsible for manipulating the volume and pitch of the sound produce by the throat for speech. It other functions such as it protects the airway from choking, and it regulates the flow of air into the lungs.
It may no longer be effective and cannot be administered
Most pediatric arrests stem from airway and breathing issues
<u>The frequency of “c” would increase.</u>
Remember, in the scenario, we are told the carrier survives better in an environment with severe diarrhea.
<u>Hence, it is thus logical to expect the frequency of </u><u><em>"c" </em></u><u>to increase in an environment where there was an epidemic of cholera.</u>
La tráquea (del griego τραχυς trakhys; "áspero, rugoso") es un órgano del aparato respiratorio de carácter cartilaginoso y membranoso que va desde la laringe a los bronquios. Su función es brindar una vía abierta al aire inhalado y exhalado.