</span>If you are working to complete your job task but
used more time and effort that what is truly necessary, then you are considered
as working effectively but not efficiently.
working effectively means you are doing what is expected to you and being
productive with the task that is given to you.
Working efficiently is simply completing your job on or before the schedule.
You finish what is assigned to you in a shorter time than expected. Since you
extended your time, thus your not working effeciently</span>
Deterioration of America is in the form of chaos, collapse, danger and escaping of hell where technology i taking over the life of people.
Ready player one is a novel which is based on the virtual world that would be in 2045. According to the novel, their is lot of chaos, danger and collapse in the society.
The message that has been given by this novel is the finding of the ways with which people can come out of the hell which is a universe full of pop filled culture references. It says that the technology should not take over your life when attention is needed on the life itself.
A devoted servant of shamash